Title: RMT Young Doctors Discussion
Date: 2th of May 2008
Day: Friday
Time: 1530
· Empowered the theory and practical skills of the disease
· Knowing the finger-tips usual management
· Preparation for Family Doctor programme that would be held in this summer 2008
The Action:
· The Chairman will conduct the discussion (the position later will be rotated among doctors)
· The Department will be formed and randomized doctor will be chosen in each group.
· Each Department consist of 5 Doctors
· The HOD is selected and have to assure all the colleague is responsible for all the task be given and finish at the correct time.
· The diseases that would be discussed contain 5 subtopics and each doctor must prepare for 1 subtopic
· The subtopic is according to the number in a bracket at the last of their name. The subtopics are :
1. Definition, classification (Angina Pectoris, MI, etc), etiology, predisposition factor, pathogenesis (pathophysiology), pathoanatomy findings (what can we see histologically)
2. Clinical manifestation
3. Clinical clerking, examination (what we can see? what is frequent? what is rare?)
4. Screening test- blood test, biochemical, urinalysis, stool analysis ( if doesn’t exist in essential hpt, try to search the findings in 2ndry hpt), instrumental methods (coronography, duplex scan, ultrasound,),
5. How to make diagnosis? Management (in patient. Outpatient), drugs (dosage, adverse effect, indication etc), DDx
· Each Doctor must prepare one case to be discussed with the answer
· The hand-out is an optional choice for the doctors to provide for their colleague, it is not an obligatory.
· These are the topics :
: Dept 2- IHD
: Dept 3- Cardiomyopathy
· Dr. Ahmad Zharif bin Hussein (HOD) (5)
· Dr. Aliff Saifuddin bin Mohd Shukri (4)
· Dr. Mazni bt Baharom (3)
· Dr. Nadiah Hamimah binti Kamaluddin (2)
· Dr. Mohd Tarmizi bin Ahmad Zakhi (1)
· Dr. Zahir bin Ismail (HOD) (5)
· Dr. Hilmi Hashim (4)
· Dr. Mazilah binti Mazlan (3)
· Dr. Amnah Binti Yousop (2)
· Dr. Layla Tumaisuri (1)
· Dr. Aizat Sabri bin Ilias (5)
· Dr. Aini Shazwani binti Luey (4)
· Dr. Jalwati Amirah binti Johari (3)
· Dr. Dzul Alkamal bin Dawam (HOD) (2)
· Dr. Dinie Tumaisuri (1)